Wellness and Occupational Medicine Center

General information
Annual medical check-up service to promote good health is beneficial for each individual. There are various programs to choose from in accordance with various individual needs, and suggestions can be provided with regards to the most suitable program selection. Our laboratory assessment service is in accordance with international standards. Should you have any questions regarding any health concerns, whether it is your own health or the health of those you love, we are always ready to advise you, because good health is an important aspect of life.
Benefits of Medical Check-ups
- Assessing risk factors for disease prevention
- Detection of diseases in its early stages for intervention
- Preventing recurrence of disease
Medical Check-ups Technologies
- We utilize efficient, accurate and specialized medical equipment for various types of check-ups.
- The high speed Computerized X-ray Tomography (64Slices CT Scan.) - an x-ray machine which can create an image of up to 64 images per rotation (360 degrees) in less than 0.5 seconds to diagnose various diseases accurately, safely, void of complications and requires no hospital bedrest.
- Stress test by walking on a treadmill (Exercise Stress Test) - heart performance measurement while heart is working under different conditions
- The ankle-brachial index (ABI) – for the diagnosis of a blockage and the hardening of the arteries
- Spirometer – used in lung performance diagnosis
Medical Check-up Programs
- Annual medical check-up program
- Medical check-ups for the Chivawattana Membership Program